Babies don’t keep. Although most of my sessions are for Newborns and Baby Milestones, I make room to do a Huntsville family photoshoot for a few families each year. Babies change so much that first year, you need to document their changes on a regular basis. Then, as your babies become little kids, you stop noticing their changes so much- until you happen to see a photo of them from a year ago.

Even the way your kids interact and play with each other changes from year to year.

Most of my clients like a mix of posed and more natural shots, so that’s usually what I capture during a family session.

This amazing dad didn’t think anyone would want a picture of just the boys together- but I am certain his sweet mama and wife are going to absolutely adore this photo of the boys hanging onto dad for many years to come. It brings such a smile to my face, and they’re not even my family!

We chose to do a family photoshoot at this location because they already had happy memories of fishing here. (I love doing photoshoots in places that are both beautiful and meaningful to you.)

It had been a few years since this family had done family pictures, and these sweet little boys’ grand mom wanted some portraits of them. So, she gifted this session to her daughter last Christmas, and I’m so glad we were able to capture both the sweetness and playfulness of this stage in the boys’ lives.
If you want to learn more about having your own Huntsville family photoshoot, tell me your family’s story. And Grandparents- Gift Certificates make the perfect present for your kids (as well as a gift for yourself in a way)!